Why does God allow sickness and suffering?

Kids Ask Hard Questions about Death

Our children’s hard questions are God-given opportunities to experience his grace and address their deepest fears. It’s likely our families will be impacted by the death of a beloved family member or friend during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the difficulty of a conversation can’t be avoided, it is lessened if there is discussion beforehand. It is best to search the scriptures and anticipate some of your child’s questions. God’s answers to our fears about death will reassure your child of their Father’s loving care.

We can answer our children’s questions with biblical truth in age-appropriate ways. Here’s another question in a 3-part series to help you as your children ask questions in the days ahead:

If God really cares, why does He allow sickness and suffering?

When Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie sin broke God’s perfect world (Genesis 3:1-5; 14-15). Now earthquakes, hurricanes and floods happen. People get sick. Could anything be worse? Yes! Sin infects our hearts. Sin is not like catching a virus. Sin ruins our desire to love and obey God. The sin in our hearts tells God, “Go away! I don’t want you!” But God loves us and cares more than we know. He sent Jesus to suffer and die for sin in our place (Isaiah 53).

Wicked men killed Jesus. But through his suffering and death on the cross, we can receive a forever life with Jesus (John 17:2-3). Jesus heals our hearts so we can turn from our sin and love and trust God. Life on earth is a great gift, but it’s only the beginning. Life in heaven is even better (Philippians 1:21). Death may frighten us, but Jesus is with us always. When God’s children close our eyes in death, we will awaken to see Him in heaven (Hebrews 2:14-15; John 14:2-3). At the time Jesus returns, He will give us new and glorious bodies like His that will never get sick, suffer or ever die (Philippians 3:20-21; Revelation 21:3-5).

Last week’s question: If God is all-powerful, why can’t He stop COVID-19?

Next week’s question: If God is Sovereign, does it do any good to pray we won’t get COVID-19?

 Copyright © 2020 BarbaraReaoch/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


If God is Sovereign, does it do any good to pray we won’t get COVID-19?


If God is all powerful why can’t He stop COVID-19?